Creative Marketing – Also Known As “Guerrilla Marketing”

So what exactly is “creative marketing”?

Creative marketing (guerrilla marketing) is a form of marketing that deviates from traditional means of advertising and promotion. It can involve publicity stunts, organzing events, creating viral videos for YouTube and other such sites, or other such things that are different, unique and will stay in peoples minds.

A creative marketing campaign will often stick with people a lot longer than a banner ad on a website or a simple newspaper ad. The thing to remember is that the internet has made the world a much smaller place and this means that people today are seeing and being exposed to a lot more than previous generations were. The end result of this is that people today are harder to impress. It’s like they’ve “been there, done that” and so originality is more important than ever.

Now, I know that coming up with a unique creative marketing campaign sounds impossible. You may be thinking that everything that can be done already has been done. This, however, is not true. Everyone is an individual and no two people are the same. Everyone has something in them which cannot be replicated and this means that deep, deep down in your subconscious mind you have something special and it simply needs to be unlocked.

When I’m brainstorming ideas for my next marketing campaign I find that working in solitude is how I come up with my best work. It has to be just me, my laptop, tablet and smartphone and I need to have my own content lying around too so I don’t become too influenced by what others have done before. This way you’ll stay true to yourself and your business’s own identity and not be mimicking somebody else too much.

I find the hardest part is coming up with that first small idea and honestly this will be the biggest hurdle to overcome. However once you have that first idea the rest will come as an extension of it. You’ve probably heard the phrase “snowball effect” before – when something starts off small but as it keeps going and rolling it gets bigger and bigger. That’s what will happen as the process continues. Anybody, and I seriously mean anybody, can come up with great marketing ideas if given the chance to sit down and really think about it and if you keep at it, you will come up with something truly special.

To get some great info on creative / guerrilla marketing visit

Here you can download the new FREE eBook “Creative Marketing Methods and Tactics” by Harrison Rader.