Mobile Marketing – The Dominant Marketing Force of the Future

If there is one thing we can be certain on, it’s this: Marketing has changed dramatically over the last ten years and is still rapidly changing all the time. Compared with the marketing methods of the late 1990’s the way we do things today is a completely different entity altogether. The things we do now would likely have been unimaginable to most people back then.

To the majority of people the internet just seemed to come out of nowhere and all of a sudden you could see thousands of wwwDOTS pretty much anywhere you looked! A few years later we had pop-up ads and banners which worked incredibly well back in the day. Then around 2004 came the biggest thing to hit the internet so far and likely the biggest thing that ever will hit it: social networking, which rocked the internet to its very core and nine years on doesn’t show any signs of slowing down.

Now let’s fast-forward ten years to the year 2023. Where will the marketing world be then? In my humble opinion, I believe that computer-based marketing will be virtually extinct. A distant memory that we all chuckle about when discussing how we first got into this business all those years ago. Mobile marketing (and, by extension, email marketing) is sure to become the dominant force by 2023 and very likely even sooner than that.

Laptops and computers are slowly being replaced by smartphones and tablets. In fact most smartphones are now faster and more powerful than the majority of PC’s on the market today. They can perform every function a PC can and more. Perhaps around the year 2023 companies and corporations will begin to phase out their websites and focus solely on Apps. Individuals will likely still have their own websites but it will be viewed by the big players as being a bit amateurish and old-fashioned.

If you asked for my advice, I’d tell you that now is the time to really focus on building up your email list as much as you possibly could and making the transition towards marketing through mobile devices. Look at optimizing your sites for viewing on smartphones now, before you’re left behind eating the dust of those who were fast enough to climb onboard the HMS Smartphone before it disembarked.

I’m not, however, saying that you should neglect your current blogs and websites! They’re still extremely valuable commodities and will continue to be important for some time. I’m simply telling you that they wont stay that way forever and you should seriously consider making a start in mobile marketing your products and business, today, right now, if possible.