Combining eBooks with Affiliate Programs

Some E-books combine very well with an affiliate program. When the affiliate receives some extra benefit from promoting the viral message, like being able to brand your E-book with his affiliate links, the affiliate makes a sale when a reader buys through a branded link. You benefit from increased traffic on your website because the affiliate is willing to promote the E-books for you.

Be absolutely certain that your message includes a clear call to action. There shouldn’t be any doubt whatsoever about what you intend recipients to do. Make sure that the instructions are perfectly clear so that recipients know HOW to act. The action that you require should be simple and obvious as well. Don’t make things complicated or it will confuse the reader, such as by adding numerous links.

Remember the K.I.S.S. principle Keep It Simple Stupid! The incentive should be clear to those you want to take an action. Readers will look at your offering for about seven seconds before they move on. If it takes longer than that for them to figure out what it is you want them to do, they will move on. Don’t make your message vague or difficult to comprehend. If you do, chances are you will lose them. You must respect your readers enough to express your message clearly.

Once you are sure you have an E-book that will be of value to an affiliate program, approach them with your idea and be able to show that it will be mutually beneficial.

Viral Marketing using E-books is one of many techniques that all together have a cumulative effect in attracting customers and subscribers to your business and in attracting targeted visitors to your website. You will very soon find out that this is an excellent way of increasing sales, subscribers and referrals.

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Here you can download the new FREE eBook “Creative Marketing Methods and Tactics” by Harrison Rader.

How to Get Your Subscribers Craving More Material From You

Just as an experiment, a friend of mine subscribed to ten different opt-in e-mail marketing lists to see which ones were effective. Many websites and online businesses have resorted to sending promotional materials to people who have subscribed to them in an effort to boost their sales or traffic. Opt-in email marketing sends newsletters, catalogs updates and many more promotional materials to website visitors who have agreed to be updated whether monthly, weekly or semiannually.

Through e-mail, an internet user that is on the list will receive their updates through email. If a promotional material piques their interest they will go to the site to learn more or to purchase outright. For the website operators or owners, this is a chance to remind their list of their existence and parlor their wares. With the numerous sites in the internet that offers the same products or services in one way or the other, the competition can get pretty tight and it is easy to be forgotten.

Back to my experimenting friend, he tried to find out which opt-in marketing strategies grabbed a person into begging for more. Some would send in very simple fashion, some would very outlandish while there are some that would just lie in between. The differences could easily be noticed and some have gotten the idea of an effective opt-in marketing strategy. He dubbed them effective because he felt like he just couldn’t wait to go their site and learn more, the more persuasive ones even got him halfway to reaching for his wallet and to his credit card before he realized this was only for an experiment.

Many companies and site present their promotional materials in a wide variety of concepts. Each has their own distinctive style and designs, but more than the outline and the presentation, the content and the articles are what keeps the attention of your potential customer locked on to your opt-in marketing medium. Creativity is the key here.

From talking to many satisfied opt-in list subscribers and forums, I have learned of what is essential in opt-in marketing and what makes the subscribers begging for more instead of lining up to unsubscribe.

Keep your promotional materials light, creative and original. Many people are stressed out as it is. Getting a stuffy business proposal rather than a light hearted e-mail may just agitate them more. A warm friendly smile or banter is always more welcome than a serious business meeting or proposal. While you do want your customers to take you and your products and services seriously, you also want to show them that you know how to have fun.

Splash some color in your emails as well as provide some photos and articles that can be related to you but show good news or good light hearted images as well. Provide a newsletter or promotional materials that will keep them in a light mood. Make your materials eye catching and grabbing that they wont be able to take their eyes of them. Pique their interests.

Have good content and article, even if it means investing in an experienced and professional copy writer to write them for you. An effective copy writer should be able to build trust between you and your customers. They should be able to establish your credibility in what they write. It must be informative but not too stuffy. Let go of the professional jargons and “talk“to your recipients.

A good article and content should be able to outline the benefits of your product and services and why they need what you are offering. But do not look to be overeager and too persuasive. It should be able to entertain as well as lead them to buying from you.

Your promotional materials should be clear. Don’t leave people guessing. You should lead them to you and not vice versa. Explain to them what they need to do in a manner that won’t be confusing. Try to anticipate also what your target client needs. Do your research and information gathering, many sites will be able to help you with that.

Provide clear and crisp images of what you are offering. If the people know what you have for them, they are more likely to beg for more. For example, if you are selling a car, provide them photos but only enough to encourage them to go to your site for more.

To get some great info on creative / guerrilla marketing visit

Here you can download the new FREE eBook “Creative Marketing Methods and Tactics” by Harrison Rader.

How to Grab the Readers Attention With Your Subject Line

The race for supremacy in the internet-based businesses has been really heating up and many sites have been put up to help others to get ahead for a small fee. But there are also ways in which you don’t have to pay so much to make yourself a good list of loyal followers. Having a satisfied web traffic and visitors allows you to put up a foundation wherein you can build an opt-in list and make it grow from there.

An opt-in list allows you to provide newsletters to your subscribers with their consent. When people sign up, they know that they will be receiving updates and news from your site and the industry your represent via an e-mail. But that doesn’t mean that all of those who subscribe read them at all. Many lists have been built due to an attachment with free software or for a promotional discount and such. Some are not really interested in receiving e-mails from companies and just treat them as waste of cyberspace and delete or trash them without so mush as opening the e-mail and scanning them.

You can change all that. While forwarding an email message is relatively after producing your newsletter. Getting people to open them is not as easy. You don’t want to waste all the time and effort used in making the newsletters, you want people to read them and have their interests piqued. Interested enough to go to your website and look around and most especially purchased and acquire your products or services.

One of the numerous ways you can tempt or persuade your subscriber is by providing a well thought out and well written subject. The subject of an email is what is often referred to when a person or a recipient of an email decides whether he or she wants to open or read an e-mail. The subject could easily be regarded as one of the most important aspect of your promotional e-mail.

Your subject must be short and concise. They should provide a summary for the content of the e-mail so that the recipient will have basic knowledge of the content. This is really vital in grabbing the attention of your readers and subscribers. You want your subject to instantly grab the attention of your subscriber and get them to be intrigued to open up your mail. Remember, it is not necessarily true that a subscriber opens up subscribed mails.

A good subject must always be tickling the curiosity of your recipient. It must literally force the recipient to open the mail. A certain emotion must be ignited and get them to open the mail. It is essential to use specific words to get the reaction you need. Keep in mind that the recipient or subscribers spends only a few seconds looking over each subject of the e-mails he receives. You must grab your reader’s attention right away.

There are many forms you can use for your subject. You can provide a subject that says your e-mail contains content that teaches them tips and methods on certain topics. An example of this is using keywords and keyword phrases such as, “How to” , “tips”, “Guides to”, Methods in and others like that.

You can also put your subject in a question form. These may include questions like, “Are you sick and tired of your job?” Or “Is your boss always on your case?” Try to stay on the topic that pertains to your site so that you’ll know that your subscribers have signed up because they are interested in that topic. This form of subject is very effective because they reach out to your recipients emotions. When they have read the question on your subject, their mind starts answering the question already.

You can also use a subject that commands your reader. Statements such as “Act now and get this once in a lifetime opportunity”, or “Double, triple and even quadruple what you are earning in one year”. This type of subject deals with the benefits your company provides with your product and services.

You may also use breaking news as your subject to intrigue your subscriber. For example, if you deal with car engine parts you can write in your subject, “Announcing the new engine that uses no gasoline, It runs on water”. This creates curiosity with the reader and will lead them to open the mail and read on.

To get some great info on creative / guerrilla marketing visit

Here you can download the new FREE eBook “Creative Marketing Methods and Tactics” by Harrison Rader.

Relationship Marketing – What Is It?

‘Relationship Marketing’ is fairly basic and wont take very long to explain. Today, Relationship Marketing is most commonly conducted via the social networking sites that a business or business-owner uses and is more or less an extension of ‘Social Media Marketing’. It involves direct communication between the business owner (or a representative) and their customers / fans. It is perhaps one of the most over-looked forms of marketing, with business-owners neglecting it and being more in favor of marketing methods that involve content-creation.

I’m going to focus mainly on Facebook and Twitter. By logging onto Facebook or Twitter and visiting a companies’ page, you’ll very likely see a lot of virtual interfacing between the business and its customers. For example, on a companies Facebook page people often like to ask questions in the comments section that can be answered by the administrator of the page. If they are having technical issues or just have general questions they can usually get a speedy response from someone who can help them in real-time, rather than waiting for a reply to a support ticket or being on hold on the phone for 20 minutes.

On Twitter, you can see a lot of customer-interfacing taking place by way of “re-tweeting”. Business owners who use Twitter can cooperate with each other by re-tweeting each others’ tweets. This is mutually beneficial as the two business owners and their brands are being exposed to each others’ audiences. It is beneficial for a business owner who wishes to market their business this way to find other business owners in a somewhat related niche to their own, but not a direct competitor.

Let’s say, for example, that your niche is car parts. More specifically, you specialize in selling car exhaust systems online. You wouldn’t try to form a mutual agreement with someone else who is in the exhaust system niche, but you could work together with somebody who specializes in car gearboxes. The two are related, as they’re both car parts, but they’re different enough to not be in direct competition with one-another. You can retweet each others’ tweets and both reach a wider audience.

A big part of Relationship Marketing is the use of interactive tools such as polls, quizzes, games and competitions. These are all fantastic ways of encouraging customers to engage with the business on a more personal level. These can all be done online using social media and the best thing about them is that they can be shared by your customers with their online friends and followers, thus increasing your exposure, growing your audience and bringing you more traffic. These are all extremely effective ways of marketing any business and relationship marketing should be among your top priorities when marketing your business.

For more great information on creative ways to market your business and / or products, visit

Here you can download the new FREE eBook “Creative Marketing Methods and Tactics” by Harrison Rader.

Creative Marketing – Also Known As “Guerrilla Marketing”

So what exactly is “creative marketing”?

Creative marketing (guerrilla marketing) is a form of marketing that deviates from traditional means of advertising and promotion. It can involve publicity stunts, organzing events, creating viral videos for YouTube and other such sites, or other such things that are different, unique and will stay in peoples minds.

A creative marketing campaign will often stick with people a lot longer than a banner ad on a website or a simple newspaper ad. The thing to remember is that the internet has made the world a much smaller place and this means that people today are seeing and being exposed to a lot more than previous generations were. The end result of this is that people today are harder to impress. It’s like they’ve “been there, done that” and so originality is more important than ever.

Now, I know that coming up with a unique creative marketing campaign sounds impossible. You may be thinking that everything that can be done already has been done. This, however, is not true. Everyone is an individual and no two people are the same. Everyone has something in them which cannot be replicated and this means that deep, deep down in your subconscious mind you have something special and it simply needs to be unlocked.

When I’m brainstorming ideas for my next marketing campaign I find that working in solitude is how I come up with my best work. It has to be just me, my laptop, tablet and smartphone and I need to have my own content lying around too so I don’t become too influenced by what others have done before. This way you’ll stay true to yourself and your business’s own identity and not be mimicking somebody else too much.

I find the hardest part is coming up with that first small idea and honestly this will be the biggest hurdle to overcome. However once you have that first idea the rest will come as an extension of it. You’ve probably heard the phrase “snowball effect” before – when something starts off small but as it keeps going and rolling it gets bigger and bigger. That’s what will happen as the process continues. Anybody, and I seriously mean anybody, can come up with great marketing ideas if given the chance to sit down and really think about it and if you keep at it, you will come up with something truly special.

To get some great info on creative / guerrilla marketing visit

Here you can download the new FREE eBook “Creative Marketing Methods and Tactics” by Harrison Rader.

Mobile Marketing – The Dominant Marketing Force of the Future

If there is one thing we can be certain on, it’s this: Marketing has changed dramatically over the last ten years and is still rapidly changing all the time. Compared with the marketing methods of the late 1990’s the way we do things today is a completely different entity altogether. The things we do now would likely have been unimaginable to most people back then.

To the majority of people the internet just seemed to come out of nowhere and all of a sudden you could see thousands of wwwDOTS pretty much anywhere you looked! A few years later we had pop-up ads and banners which worked incredibly well back in the day. Then around 2004 came the biggest thing to hit the internet so far and likely the biggest thing that ever will hit it: social networking, which rocked the internet to its very core and nine years on doesn’t show any signs of slowing down.

Now let’s fast-forward ten years to the year 2023. Where will the marketing world be then? In my humble opinion, I believe that computer-based marketing will be virtually extinct. A distant memory that we all chuckle about when discussing how we first got into this business all those years ago. Mobile marketing (and, by extension, email marketing) is sure to become the dominant force by 2023 and very likely even sooner than that.

Laptops and computers are slowly being replaced by smartphones and tablets. In fact most smartphones are now faster and more powerful than the majority of PC’s on the market today. They can perform every function a PC can and more. Perhaps around the year 2023 companies and corporations will begin to phase out their websites and focus solely on Apps. Individuals will likely still have their own websites but it will be viewed by the big players as being a bit amateurish and old-fashioned.

If you asked for my advice, I’d tell you that now is the time to really focus on building up your email list as much as you possibly could and making the transition towards marketing through mobile devices. Look at optimizing your sites for viewing on smartphones now, before you’re left behind eating the dust of those who were fast enough to climb onboard the HMS Smartphone before it disembarked.

I’m not, however, saying that you should neglect your current blogs and websites! They’re still extremely valuable commodities and will continue to be important for some time. I’m simply telling you that they wont stay that way forever and you should seriously consider making a start in mobile marketing your products and business, today, right now, if possible.